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~Things You NEED to Know as Your Child with T1D Starts School~

First Impressions

Sending your child to school for the first time is always worrisome; however, now you have the added worry about their Type I diabetes.  You have been the sole caregiver doing it all: mom, nurse, doctor, nutritionist... Who will take care of your dependent child when they are at school?  Will he be safe?  Will they know what to do for her in any scenerio that may come up?


Or maybe you have a child who has already been in school.  They know the daily routine of waking up, eating breakfast, preparing for the day, riding the school bus or walking to school, carrying on with their day filled with friends and learning, returning home, completing homework and outside of school activities and then heading to bed for a good night's sleep, before repeating it all again the next day.  But wait!  Your child was just diagnosed with Type I diabetes!  You have finally returned home from spending the last three days or more with them in the hospital, and now you have to prepare them to return to school.


In both situations your schedule, routine, and sense of normalcy has been completely changed.  You have been innundated with information, facts, and figures.  You have been told to do this and that, but that you can't and shouldn't do these other things.  Where has your stability gone?  You are learning new things with and through your child, and how can you even think about sending them outside of your watchful eye and into the care of someone else?  You have so many questions, you don't know if you have thought of everthing you need to, and you don't know where to start.


Let me help you out.  First, take a DEEP breath!  Now, you may need to repeat that a few more times, but peruse the links below and see if I can cover all those questions that you have or the ones that you have not quite come up with yet!  Most importantly, I am here for you!  If you have any further questions or concerns, send them my way and I will do everything I can to help you out!

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